Revolutionising care
through innovation,
empathy, and collaboration
with a commitment to
better outcomes.
Complex care
changing lives for the better.
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What Is Transforming Care?

Transforming care is about reshaping how services are delivered to meet the evolving needs of individuals, families, and communities. At Cavalry Healthcare, we go beyond traditional care models to create services that are innovative, person-centred, and driven by a vision to improve lives.

Our approach is focused on empowering individuals, fostering independence, and building a more compassionate, inclusive society.

Our Transforming Care Approach

We believe that care should evolve with the people it supports. That’s why our Transforming Care approach is built on:

  • Collaboration with Individuals and Families: Co-designing services to reflect unique needs and aspirations.

  • Empowering Independence: Supporting people to live their lives with dignity, choice, and autonomy.
  • Driving Community Impact: Reinvesting profits into local charities and initiatives to strengthen communities
Carer and patient

How We’re Changing Care: Tailored, Effective Solutions

  • Innovative Care Models: Introducing services like Rapid Response teams to provide immediate support for individuals in crisis and bridge gaps in care.
  • Person-Centred Care Planning: Co-designing personalised care plans with individuals and families to ensure services align with their unique needs and aspirations.
  • Specialist Training Programmes: Equipping our teams with advanced training in clinical care, communication strategies, and managing complex needs.
  • Commitment to Technology: Leveraging technology to enhance care delivery, improve communication, and ensure safety and efficiency in all we do.
  • Community Partnerships: Building strong relationships with local organisations, charities, and the NHS to deliver seamless and effective care.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly reviewing and refining our services to stay at the forefront of innovation and meet the changing needs of our clients and communities.

A healthcare agency that works for you.

Reward & recognition

We offer a reward and recognition scheme for quality care

Bonus scheme

We do what we say we will do, and always act with integrity.


We respect the wishes and aspirations of every individual.

Career progression

We offer further training and development opportunities

High pay rates

We are always understanding, kind and compassionate.

24/7 support

You can speak to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.

Our Commitment to Excellence in Care

Improving outcomes

Enhancing lives with personalised care that delivers exceptional results.

Care champions

Empowering experts to lead and inspire excellence in care delivery.

Great staff

Our skilled, compassionate teams are the heart of our care.

Growing care

Expanding our services to support more individuals nationwide.

Above living wage

Paying above the Living Wage attracts and retains top-quality staff.

24/7 support

Round-the-clock care tailored to individual needs and circumstances.

Our clients say:

Anita Daly - Specialist Adviser
"I have supported many individuals and families with complex conditions for many years. During my career, there have been times when some individual's needs seem to have exhausted all other care placements due to their complex behaviours/presentation, which at times can be very hard to support care for and manage. When this situation happens, it can be very difficult to find a quality care provider. However, Calvary assessed and is currently supporting a young person with complex needs in this difficult situation, they have cared for and supported her well, they offer ongoing care/support to meet her needs, in her own home, with a 1-1 quality package of care, where other services declined to offer support. I would signpost other families and professionals to obtain information on Calvary services going forward."
Carrie - Social Worker
"Cavalry carers made [service user] feel settled, reassured and provided her a sense of comfort during a time of crisis. Without this support, [service user] would have been admitted back to hospital. They kept an open line of communication and were always available for support. I am grateful for the support you provided."
Natasha - Probation Officer
"My experience with Cavalry has been really positive, I currently manage a very complex female on licence from prison and would not be able to manage her risks as effectively without their input and support. Cavalry have provided an outstanding level of support to this female and the staff have persevered through some very challenging behaviour and has subsequently developed a good working relationship with the female. I schedule professional' meetings every week regarding this female and Cavalry are always in attendance for these meetings, providing an in-depth report which enables agencies to better manage risks and individual's needs."
Service User's Parent/Guardian
"The Cavalry team have gone above and beyond to ensure {service user} is receiving the correct care - you are miles apart from the last company. Your communication has been incredible, and I’ve been informed of everything that has been taken place. This has had a positive effect on (service user) - he seems to be so settled now and there have been no incidents. I am looking forward to him moving and seeing what the future holds."

‘Exceptionally Caring’ – CQC

Cavalry Healthcare is proud to be a member of the British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management, an organisation which promotes best practice in managing the needs of adults, children and young people living with a brain injury and other complex needs.

Cavalry Healthcare is proud to support the Care Workers’ Charity, which provides grants and mental health support to care workers in crisis. Since 2020, the CWC have awarded £6.1 million to more than 12,100 people who work in formal care settings across the UK. The people they support often tell them how the grant made a huge difference, helping them to feel better supported and more likely to stay in their job.